"आपली सर्वात मोठी शाळा म्हणजे आपलं स्वतःच कुटुंब होय." - President (Siddhivinayak Society)
सगळी दुनिया तुमच्याशी स्वार्थापोटी जोडलेली असली तरी कुटुंब नेहमी तुमच्यासोबत निस्वार्थपणे असतं. कुटुंब एखाद्या सुरक्षा कवचाप्रमाणे आहे, ज्यामध्ये राहून व्यक्तीला शांततेचा अनुभव घेता येतो. पैसे तर सगळेच कमावतात पण खरा नशीबवान तोच जो कुटुंब कमवतो.
Siddhivinayak CHS currently has 13 eminent persons of different faculty as its managing committee members. We are privileged to have ladies members of exceptional qualities and brilliance among us. The managing committee members have the ability and capacity to manage different events, they deep the spirit of life alive. Without major assistance from any source they do praiseworthy and philanthropic work for the society. Their vision for the future is to keep the Happiness Index of our society as high as possible.

Mr. Sunil ware
Hon. Chairman D-401

Mr. Ritesh Srivastav
Hon. Secretary C-503

Mr. Anil Khushani
Hon. Treasurer A-103

Mr. Sambhaji Vartekar
Member of Managing Committee A-703

Mr. Aman Malik
Member of Managing Committee B-104

Mr. Jay Prakash Oza
Member of Managing Committee B-704

Mr. Ravi Rao
Member of Managing Committee C-204

Mr. Amit Tripathi
Member of Managing Committee D-702

Mrs Vedashree Sawant
Member of Managing Committee D-204

Mrs Archana kapadia
Member of Managing Committee D-602

Mr. Sunil Jumani
Expert Director B-404

About Siddhivinayak Society
Siddhivanayak CHS was registered on 12th November 1992 Void Registration Number BOM/WR/HSG/TC/7139/1992-1993 by Registrar of Co-operative Housing Societies of Maharashtra in….
Facilities and Amenities
Is one of the Oldest society constructed in 1989 by Home Builders. Siddivinayak Society celebrated its silver jubilee in the year 2017. The Society Covers approx. 4700 Sq Meter in total. Accessible from 90 Ft Road. Daily Neccsity 200 Meter and access to Post Office is just 1 Km away.
Ample Car and Bike Parking
Children Play area
Garden for Recreation
Senior Citizen Recreational Place
Cricket play area
Outdoor Badminton Court
Social and Cultural Event Celebration
Walking and Cycling track
Indoor Games – Carrom and Chess area

The Society is CCTV Covered and Fire Safety compliant

24 Hrs Access
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SocietyTalk & House Konnect
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Gate Guardian
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